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Lovers and Legends nude Morrowind

This package contains 3 mods for Morrowind, Mr Cellophanes Lovers And Legends. Smaller_bar and LAL Hairy Mod


The Elder Scrolls III
Mr Cellophane’s Lovers And Legends V0

1. Warning & disclaimer
2. Summary
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Running the mod for the first time
6. Running the mod after the first time
7. Using the mod
8. Known issues
9. Use in other mods
10. Credits
11. Contact & further info

This mod contains sexually oriented adult material and is strictly intended for adults only. If you are:

– Under the age of 18 (or 21 depending on your location)
– Offended by adult material
– Using this mod in a country or locale where adult material is specifically prohibited by law

then you should NOT have or use this mod so delete it NOW!!! Viewing material that is intended for adults when you are a minor only does you harm in the long run so do yourself a favour and keep your mind as pure as possible for as long as possible. I (Mr. Cellophane) do not accept any responsibility for the actions or behaviour of users of this mod and as it is the responsibility of users of this mod (i.e. YOU!) to ensure that minors, or people who would find the content of this mod offensive, are prevented from seeing or using the mod.

2. SUMMARY for nude Morrowind mod

This mod allows you to have sex with NPC’s in Morrowind. You can choose any NPC of the opposite sex to be your “lover” (provided that they like you enough) and sleep with them anywhere as often as you like (provided that they still like you). You can change your lover as often as you wish but you can only have one lover at any given time. Your lover’s disposition towards you will change based on your sexual performance meaning that is it possible to make friends and influence people by sleeping with them (provided that you do a good job of course).

When you are sleeping with your lover, you directly control the action, the camera, you/your lover’s attire and sexual position. Different positions will stimulate you/your lover at different rates so you must make sure that they enjoy themselves as much as you do to avoid getting labelled as a bad lover. Detailed information about each of the positions is provided in the mod to help you make your decisions.

This is a preliminary (but fully functional) version of the mod and is mainly intended as a “proof of concept” to demonstrate the core features of the mod. Due to this, there are only three sexual positions to choose from. The mod is compatible with the standard human races from Morrowind and it should also work with most custom races. However, beast races are not and cannot be supported due to differences between the humanoid and beast animation bipeds.

This mod requires Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE) to run- you can download the latest version from:
Further information about MWSE can be found at:
MWSE requires the latest version of Bloodmoon ( to run so please make sure you have the most up to date patch from:

4. INSTALLATION nude patch for Morrowind

To install the mod, unzip all of the files and CAREFULLY place them in their corresponding Morrowind folder (i.e., put everything in the unzipped Meshes folder into the “Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes” folder, textures into the Textures folder etc.). Make sure that the EXEs and the “Cello LAL Files” folder are in the “Morrowind” folder (i.e. the same folder that “Morrowind.exe” is in) and NOT in the “Data Files” folder. Also make sure that the “Cello LAL Files” folder contains two folders called “Mesh Lists” and “NPC Lists”

1) Ensure that MWSE has been correctly installed
2) Back up your current/most recent save game
3) Make a copy of your current/most recent save game in the “Morrowind/Saves” folder and rename the save game copy to “Cello.ess”
4) Run “Create Data File List.exe” and wait until it finishes (i.e. when it says “Done!”). Close the window when it does finish.
5) Run “Cello Create Race Lists.exe” and wait until it finishes (i.e. when it says “Done!”). Close the window when it does finish.
6) Run “Cello Customise For Player.exe” and wait until it finishes (i.e. when it says “Done!”). Close the window when it does finish.
7) Run “Create NPC Lists.exe” and wait until it finishes (i.e. when it says “Done!”). Close the window when it does finish.
8) Run “Cello Create Mesh Lists.exe” and wait until it finishes (i.e. when it says “Done!”). Note that this may take some time so be patient and wait for it to finish. When it does finish, close the window.
9) Ensure that “Mr Cellophane’s Lovers and Legends V0.esp” has been added to Morrowind’s start up Data Files and start Morrowind using MWSE (i.e. double click on MWSE.exe and it should automatically start up Morrowind). Load your save game as normal and find an NPC of the opposite sex that you would like to be your lover. Make sure that their disposition is 80 or above and use the “Fancy a shag?” topic from the dialogue window whilst talking to them. You should be informed that your lover has been changed and that you should save and re-load to update. Save your game at this point (PREFERABLY AS A NEW FILE) and QUIT Morrowind (do not just re-load).
10) When Morrowind has quit, start up “Cello LAL Controller.exe” and leave it running in the background (e.g. minimise it if you like).
11) Start up Morrowind again using MWSE and load up the save game- the mod is now ready for full use.

Note that this procedure only has to be carried out the first time that you use the mod and NOT every time that you want to run the mod- see section 6 below for details of how to use the mod normally.

NB: If you change your player character significantly (i.e. use the “enableracemenu” command in game to change your character’s sex and/or head & hair) then you should run “Cello Customise For Player.exe” once to update the relevant mod files.

To run the mod normally (i.e. after you’ve completed the steps in section 5 above) you must do the following:

1) Start up “Cello LAL Controller.exe” and leave it running in the background
2) Start up Morrowind through MWSE

It is possible to start up “Cello LAL Controller.exe” when Morrowind & MWSE are running but, if you do this you must re-load a save game for the mod to initialise properly.

To change your lover, simply find an NPC of the opposite sex whose disposition is 80 or above and use the “Fancy a shag?” topic. If you try to use the topic with an NPC whose disposition is below 80 or who is not of the opposite sex, then you’ll just be turned down (i.e. nothing bad will happen). Assuming that your chosen lover agrees, you will be prompted to save and reload to update your lover.

When the game has reloaded, place the “Red Rose of Passion” wherever you would like to sleep with your lover. Do this by opening your inventory window and dragging the Rose from your inventory window onto the location. Once the Rose is on the location, make sure that the player crosshairs are looking at the Rose and press the “G” key on the keyboard- you will then be asked if you would like to give your lover a “booty call”. If you do not want to make a booty call then click the “Cancel” button- HOWEVER!!! if you do this then make sure to take the Rose and place it back in your inventory before you leave.

Assuming that you’d like to sleep with your lover, click the “Make a booty call” button and your lover will appear on the location that you have selected when the screen fades back in. Talk to your lover and you will be able to change their attire by selecting the “Companion Share” topic. Don’t bother changing your own attire as all of your clothing, armour etc. will be automatically removed when the session starts.

When you are ready to begin, click the “Lets get it on!” topic. When the screen fades in again, the session will be active and the controls are as follows:

– “X” key: Thrust (Press and release to make you/your lover thrust in/out. Hold down to hold the thrust in)
– “Z” key: Toggles between manual and auto thrust
– Mouse and normal movement keys (w,a,s & d): Moves the camera around the environment
– Activate (Space bar) on you/your lover: Brings up the change position & attire menu. Left click to select options.

The menus are self explanatory. However, note that to change attire you must use the “Companion Share” topic from your lover’s dialogue box- do NOT just right click and change your appearance using the player inventory window as it will not work. Make sure to click the “Lets get it on!” topic to finish changing the attire. Please see the warnings below for further instructions about correctly using the menus.

You will notice two bars above you/your lover’s head- these are your pleasure bars. When they become full (red) you/your lover will orgasm. To be a good lover, you must make your partner orgasm as many times as possible before you do by carefully using the positions available.

Male players: You can only orgasm a total of two times in one session whereas your lover can orgasm as many times as she likes.

Female players: Your lover can only orgasm a total of two times in one session whereas you can orgasm as many times as you like.

Note that when the male orgasms, the female’s pleasure bar will drop to zero (due to the time that it takes for him to get “ready for action” again). Female orgasms will not negatively affect the male’s pleasure bar.

When the session ends, your performance will be rated and your lover’s disposition will change accordingly.

When you wake up afterwards, you can retrieve any of your belongings from your lover using the “Companion Share” topic. Please make sure to leave any of their belongings back with them (i.e. in the room- you don’t have to place them back in their inventory). You will not be able to call your lover for a booty call until you change your location (cell). If your disposition with your lover drops below 60 then they will turn you down for booty calls- you will have to use your powers of persuasion to get them back into bed with you.

One final thing to note is that there is a special use of the Rose with beds. If you would like to sleep with your lover in a bed then place the “Red Rose of Passion” on top of the bed. Do this by opening your inventory window and dragging the Rose from your inventory window onto the bed (the exact position of the rose on the bed doesn’t matter- just make sure that it’s on the surface of the bed). If you are having difficulty getting the Rose onto the bed (i.e. it keep’s on getting dropped to the ground) then move closer to the bed and drag & drop the Rose as close to you as possible (i.e. don’t stand at the end of the bed and try to place the Rose at the top of the bed). Once the Rose is on the bed, make sure that the player crosshairs are looking at the bed (NOT THE ROSE!) and press the “G” key on the keyboard- you will then be asked if you would like to give your lover a “booty call” as normal. When your lover appears, they will be aligned to and in the centre of the bed.

– Do not click the yellow “goodbye” button in the bottom right of a dialogue box at any time when a session is active. Click the red “goodbye” if it is displayed in the dialogue text area to end dialogue. If the red goodbye is not displayed, then click on the “Lets get it on!” topic to end dialogue. This is vitally important and the mod will mess up if you just click on the yellow “Goodbye” button in the bottom right of dialogue boxes. Note that this does NOT apply when you are setting up your lover up for the session- (i.e. before you have pressed the “Let’s get it on!” topic for the first time after booty calling your lover).
– Do not left click when a session is active (with the exception of clicking on menu or dialogue choices)
– Do not call your lover if you do not intend on sleeping with them. The mod will mess up if you call them and leave them standing there while you go off adventuring.
– Do not attempt to bring up any game menus when a session is active (i.e. don’t press the “Esc” or “¬” keys). If you accidentally do, then press the key again once to continue. You will have to wait until the session is finished before saving/loading/quitting Morrowind.
– When changing positions or attire when a session is active, only change one thing at a time- i.e. if you want to change positions and attire then bring up the menu, change the position and click on “Done”. Bring up the menu again, change the attire and click “Done” again. If you change attire/position immediately after changing position/attire (i.e. without having pressed “Done” in between and closing the menu) then the mod will most likely mess up.
– When changing attire, make sure to click on the correct box (i.e. “your attire” or “your lover’s attire”). Clicking on the wrong button (e.g. clicking “your attire” and then changing your lover’s attire”) will not work correctly and you’ll get confused. If this does happen, then go through the changing attire process again for both you and your lover to correctly update the attire.
– Do not steal items from your lover… it’s just rude and is technically cheating

Saving & reloading when changing lover:
Note that you only have to save & reload when you CHANGE your lover. The mod will always remember who your last lover was and you can sleep with them over and over again without having to save and reload. Even if it’s been 6 months since you last slept with your lover, if you make a booty call then they’ll appear (provided that their disposition is high enough)- no saving & reloading will be required.

– Lovers may look taller/smaller than usual or slightly distorted. This is because the height of you and your lover must be made equal for the animations to work correctly and is unavoidable.
– Flickering occurs during animations. This is due to the Morrowind game engine and cannot be fixed.
– If you are using Better Bodies, the vagina mesh will look distorted while in the “Doggy Style” position. This is due to the physiquing of the mesh and a new, more flexible, mesh for the mod will be made as soon as possible.

Due to the adult nature of the content in this mod, I absolutely DO NOT give permission for ANY of the content in the mod, or the mod itself, to be modified or used in other mods. HOWEVER!!!

– You may use content from the mod, or the mod itself, in personal mods provided that these mods are NEVER released to the public
– If you feel that you really must use content from the mod, or the mod itself, as part of a mod that you are planning on releasing to the public, then contact me, clearly outlining your case & argument and I will carefully consider the request.

My reason for doing this is that I don’t want to be responsible for a wave of mods that contain adult content just for the hell of it. This would draw negative attention on the gaming community from parent/religious/game hating groups in general which is a very bad thing. I don’t mind the content being used in a few select, quality mods where is has been proven and justified that the adult content is directly part of, or directly enhances, the mod… i.e. it is an integral part of the mod and not just a gimmick that has been thrown in to get attention.

– RX31 for having the genius to figure out how to get animations to work in Morrowind. This mod would not exist without his work. Also for his fine “anim_f_sleeping” & “anim_lyingdown_02” animations.
– FreshFish & Cdcooley for creating MWSE. Again, this mod would not exist without their work.
– Dave Humphrey for demystifying the inner workings of .esp files and passing his knowledge onto the community
– Spirited Treasure for her superb fix of the groin textures


Lovers and Legends nude Morrowind bars

I found the  “excitement” bars in Mr Cellophane’s Lovers & Legends a little bulky, so I reworked them some.
Make a backup of your Data Files\Textures\Cello directory and than unpack this zip there (in Data Files\Textures\Cello that is), overwriting the original files.

Enjoy or what ever.


Lovers And Legends Nude Morrowind
Lovers And Legends Nude Morrowind
8.4 MB
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10 thoughts on “Lovers and Legends nude Morrowind”

  1. Can this mod be used with better bodies 2.2? I followed the instructions (I think) to the letter, but I got a rather “disquieting” glitch – a headless, armless and legless female torso h*mping an empty suit of armor. There is an error file listing all the missing parts for both the player character and the lover.

    If this is not compatible with better bodies 2.2, how do I fix it?

  2. I found a bug in the directory query for the Female Breton in the Cello Customize for Player routine. I don’t know how to fix it for you, but here’s where it is:

    Data Files\Meshes\b\b_n_breton_f_head_01.nif
    [same] _f_hair_ [same]
    [same] _F_Head_ [same]
    [same] _F_Hair_ [same]

    There is a typo in the directory. It should be Meshes\bb\ not Meshes\b\

    Here’s the complete error list from copy errors.txt. It’s the same problem for almost all:

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Hair_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Chest0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Chest0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Chest0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Chest0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Hair_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Neck.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Skins.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Wrist.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Forearm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Upper Arm.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Foot.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Ankle.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Knee.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Upper Leg.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Upleg0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Nord_M_Hair04.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Male1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Hair_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Hair_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hair0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Neck0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Chest0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Groin0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hand0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Wrist0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Forearm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Uparm0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Foot0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Ankle0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Knee0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\bb\bb_skinf_br.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Upleg0.NIF

  3. MacGyver would be proud! I figured out a work-around. It’s simple.

    1)Create a directory in Meshes and name it \b\
    2)Copy, don’t move, the contents of directory \bb\ into \b\
    3) (not sure it’s necessary, but did it anyway) repeat the installation routine.
    4)run the program as instructed

    The lusty couple is now nearly complete – they are merely headless, but I’ve got a theory I have yet to attempt to work around that problem. I’ll get back to you with the results.

  4. My theory didn’t pan out as correct. The necessary files do not exist on my hard drive. My guess is that they’re hiding in a misdirected .dll and that’s beyond my knowledge to explore.

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Head_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Head0.NIF

    Could not find file: Data Files\Meshes\b\B_N_Breton_F_Hair_01.nif
    To replace file: Data Files\Meshes\Cello\Cello_Fem1_Hair0.NIF
    Could not find NPC: Hrisskar Flat-foot

  5. I xan do without this mod if I must, but the option would be nice. I ran into this problem when runing the cello create mesh

    No NPC’s in data file leafytrees.esp , lights enanched.esp , better bodies.esp , k_weather.esp , or k_wather (louder sounds).esp
    How do I fix this issue?

  6. Don’t know if anyone still watches this, but I am unable to do steps 4 through 8. It gives me a debug error. Is there a solution?

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